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How I lost in binary options

For those who are new to Binary options, it is one of the newest form of investment invented by the United States just a few years back. After the advent of such new investment, it comes with a booming industry in the recent years. More and more brokers set up binary options platform online to attract more people to join and to deposit their funds.

Of all the other kind of investments, binary options seem to be one of the most easiest platform to bet as it only involves with either a call or a put option.However, it is often neglected by new traders that it is often a highly risky investment.

If your forecast with regards to the price level above or below the line is right, then you would get the profit on top of your initial bet size. Conversely if your prediction is wrong, you would lose all your initial bet. The probability of winning is 50%. Some people however sees binary options as a platform for gambling as there is an element of luck here. Studies have also shown that between 85%-95% of the traders would ultimately lose their money.I am in fact one of the victims here.

My story of losing in binary trading:

Initially, I am captivated by the testimonials from other shady binary platform(in fact 99% are scams) where they claimed that they had earn around 176,000 USD in just a month and that had made them become a millionaire from them. As great as it seems, it is often too good to be true.
Fake testimonials found on scam binary trading platform:

Adapted from

I have to say that I am quite fortunate to have read a lot on the binary options scams online and have not fell to all those unregulated binary trading platforms. But this does not spare me from losing the money. No matter how high is the payoff, the odds of winning is always against the traders. It is easy to use martingale strategy to recoup your losses provided that your deposit is high enough to cover all the incurred losses. There are lots of factors that a trader would lose money. Personally, I prefer to trade in IQ option, where I can get to withdraw my funds back to the bank cards; but still, I lost all of my deposit of 1000 USD in total. When I started trading, I deposit 1000 USD. For the first day, I can count myself to be lucky and I have won around 350USD in total.
Snapshot of how I won for the first nine out of ten matches. In total, I had traded for 25 matches for the first day:

That gave me confidence and I thought that I could multiply my deposit by 2 times as I trade more. Nevertheless, I am wrong. By the next day, I tried to increase the bet size to 100USD as I thought that I had found an invincible strategy that could help me to double my investment. But, everything just happened oppositely to what I had expected. I started losing money and my account is finally left with only 12 USD.
Guess what? The image would show you the ugly side of binary options:

And finally, I have lost literally everything. I tried to put in more money and I had lost everything. It is my hard-earned money and I should not have in the first place believe to the unrealistic promises offered by a group of affiliate marketers like (King Delwar) that binary option is easy to earn a living.

Lesson learnt:

In fact, I have tried to trade with the major currency pairs(Euro vs USD Otc) with a high payoff of 91% of the bet size and I found out that it’s very difficult to trade due to the low volatility of the market and side-way pattern of the charts.  If you lose and your bet size remains constant, you will actually have to trade more to recoup the losses. Again, over-trading would in fact cause you to lose more. Technical strategies are just merely a guide but it may not help one to win the trade all the time. Martingale is the worst strategy when it comes to low deposits. You can still possibly win after 8 consecutive losses but make sure, your deposit is huge. Despite that, there is a danger for people who deposit a lot of money and had problems withdrawing out. It is rather unwise to put in a lot of money into binary option platform unless you are very sure of the credibility of the broker.
To add on, I am considered quite lucky here. There is a real story of how binary options had destroyed one’s future:

Some good articles to read:

Of course, there are more articles on government constituencies advising people to stop investing in binary options:  MAS issues warning on trading of binary options with unregulated platforms

Final thoughts:

My point here is not to stop those affiliate marketers from promoting that binary options can allow one to earn a living. But, the true fact is that it is very hard to be a successful trader. Even being a successful trader, binary option can be addictive as you expect that binary options can help to grow wealth.However, this leads to over-trading and usually, people lose due to a change in the market.
If I am given a chance to be an affiliate marketer, I would rather first test out on the item and then promote on items that are worthwhile trying before recommending to people. That’s what are the qualities should a real affiliate marketer have. I would not recommend anything that is gambling just by earning the commission at the expense of other trader’s loss of money.
Affiliate marketing is indeed booming and it is indeed a highly profitable business. To become a successful affiliate marketer, you can visit WA (the fees are cheap: first month 19USD, followed by 49 USD per month) that would equip you with the necessary skills needed to earn living as a marketer.In fact, this is a more down-to-earth method of earning money. Depending on how successful are your niches, there are top-earning affiliate marketers who can earn around 8k to 10k per month. Even better, there are rarely few of them who can earn above 15k per month.
On the last note, there is a link to the video to summarize on the above,

Please watch the video on the Dailymotion till the end and you're advised to change the quality to 720p. Your help is appreciated to educate people who are not aware fully about binary options.
I hope that you enjoy reading this post and if you had any queries, please feel free to drop a comment below. I’ll reply to you a.s.a.p. Thank you.

Additional reading:


  1. Recover all funds lost to binary options scam, Bitcoin scam or basically any stolen money. The government is doing absolutely nothing to peg this menace. I even filled a report about my loss to the FBI and paid for proper trace and possible recovery of my lost investment. Time wasting and their lackadaisical attitude made me look elsewhere for help.
    Thankfully, my old friend referred me to a colleague of his (who specializes and has the required skilled set in recovering funds lost to the wrong hands .(Bitcoinretrieval2018 Gmail Com )

    1. Its so heartless that people you trust and invest a huge amount money with them expecting returns and profit always find a way of paying back evil. I met Vldimre Luka on a diamond investment forum because I really wanted to invest my retirement funds in Diamonds. Unfortunately for me, I made the worst mistake of my life. After discussing with Luka I wired the sum of $600,000 to Luka in order to purchase diamonds worth that amount. To my surprise, Luka blocked me from contacting him. Suicide was the only option I had until I was referred to a group of professional recovery experts on CREDITSOLUTION63 They really saved me and recovered 80% of my funds lost to Luka. I don’t know how to appreciate this group of agents than referring this professionals to victims that have suffered financial fraud .
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    2. I lost about €75,000 to a fraudulent crypto investment scheme which I partook in after seeing several recommendations about their operations and reviews from client who have benefitted from the scheme. I gave it a shot and invested only to my surprise I got denied of my withdrawals at the supposed date to withdraw my profit. They kept asking me for more money each time I tried withdrawals then I knew it was all a scam. Then I hired the real deal fund retrieval firm at Bestcryptohacker at gmai| c0m who rescued me and fully recovered my money. That’s why I’m recommending him to everyone going through similar situation to contact Alex Wood’s recovery services for help at

      Bestcryptohacker (at)gmail c0m

      +1 (352) 870-0844 on WhatsApp

  2. Its so heartless that people you trust and invest a huge amount money with them expecting returns and profit always find a way of paying back evil. I met Vldimre Luka on a diamond investment forum because I really wanted to invest my retirement funds in Diamonds. Unfortunately for me, I made the worst mistake of my life. After discussing with Luka I wired the sum of $600,000 to Luka in order to purchase diamonds worth that amount. To my surprise, Luka blocked me from contacting him. Suicide was the only option I had until I was referred to a group of professional recovery experts on CREDITSOLUTION63 They really saved me and recovered 80% of my funds lost to Luka. I don’t know how to appreciate this group of agents than referring this professionals to victims that have suffered financial fraud .
    WhatsApp: +1 9176634684
    You Can Also Text Or Call: +1 9176634684

  3. Its so heartless that people you trust and invest a huge amount money with them expecting returns and profit always find a way of paying back evil. I met Vldimre Luka on a diamond investment forum because I really wanted to invest my retirement funds in Diamonds. Unfortunately for me, I made the worst mistake of my life. After discussing with Luka I wired the sum of $600,000 to Luka in order to purchase diamonds worth that amount. To my surprise, Luka blocked me from contacting him. Suicide was the only option I had until I was referred to a group of professional recovery experts on CREDITSOLUTION63 They really saved me and recovered 80% of my funds lost to Luka. I don’t know how to appreciate this group of agents than referring this professionals to victims that have suffered financial fraud .
    WhatsApp: +1 9176634684
    You Can Also Text Or Call: +1 9176634684

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    We kindly URGE you to not respond without have read the entire text. Those who mail without have read everything, ask questions that are been answered here.

    It tears US up when we receive bitter mails of Jobs attempts proposals from most clients with hacking issues but never get close to having them done, thereby wasting a lot $ in the process, 

    if you in a haste to have all of these done by seeking hackers yourselvesyou will only get ripped.



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    They take your money and never do your job!! 

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    ➡️NOTE: beware as we urge you not to make respond to any "IVAN HONG,PETER SANTOS,MONICA HART (impersonating with our articles pretending to work under us)

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    Thank you..



    1. I lost about €75,000 to a fraudulent crypto investment scheme which I partook in after seeing several recommendations about their operations and reviews from client who have benefitted from the scheme. I gave it a shot and invested only to my surprise I got denied of my withdrawals at the supposed date to withdraw my profit. They kept asking me for more money each time I tried withdrawals then I knew it was all a scam. Then I hired the real deal fund retrieval firm at Bestcryptohacker at gmai| c0m who rescued me and fully recovered my money. That’s why I’m recommending him to everyone going through similar situation to contact Alex Wood’s recovery services for help at

      Bestcryptohacker (at)gmail c0m

      +1 (352) 870-0844 on WhatsApp

      Website: www.BESTCRYPTOHACKER. c0m
      Tested and trusted professional hacker for hire

      Real deal

  6. Hack Ethics is a Verified Experienced Binary Options Recovery Specialist and Professional Hacker that provides the experience, intelligence, expertise in Asset Recovery and successfully solve ANY DESIRED HACKING SERVICES YOU WANT with ease which includes BINARY OPTIONS FUNDS RECOVERY, CREDIT REPAIR, PHONE & SOCIAL MEDIA HACKS and so on. 

    People have lost their hard earned money through this BINARY OPTIONS TRADINGS, yet they would go to meet FAKE HACKERS who are also scammers unknowingly to help them recover their money and they would end up losing more money in the process. These Scammers also tend to put Fake Testimonies out there just to steal more from you by giving you False hope. I understand how heartbreaking it is to be a BINARY OPTIONS SCAM VICTIM after you've been promised your fortune by Binary Companies and then they ignore your Emails or Calls after stealing from you.  I'm taking every step to render solution to those innocent people affected and help them get every penny they lost.  CONTACT  EMAIL  -  HACKETHICS008@GMAIL.COM 

    1. I lost about €75,000 to a fraudulent crypto investment scheme which I partook in after seeing several recommendations about their operations and reviews from client who have benefitted from the scheme. I gave it a shot and invested only to my surprise I got denied of my withdrawals at the supposed date to withdraw my profit. They kept asking me for more money each time I tried withdrawals then I knew it was all a scam. Then I hired the real deal fund retrieval firm at Bestcryptohacker at gmai| c0m who rescued me and fully recovered my money. That’s why I’m recommending him to everyone going through similar situation to contact Alex Wood’s recovery services for help at

      Bestcryptohacker (at)gmail c0m

      +1 (352) 870-0844 on WhatsApp

      Website: www.BESTCRYPTOHACKER. c0m
      Tested and trusted professional hacker for hire..:

  7. It is crazy when exchanges like StoxMarket isn't taken down after cheating several hardworking individuals wanting to invest attain financial freedom. Personally, I invested $750,000 expecting 120% as promised. Since I deposited, I haven't been able to withdraw neither my capital nor profit. I reached out to my account manager but all effort was in vain.
    Weeks went by before i stumbled on FASTFUNDSRECOVERY@PROTONMAIL.COM after seeing their reviews on quora. They were able to recover my funds in less than a weeks. Thanks to Shaw for working me through all the processes and how to prevent getting scammed again. i hope this helps someone in similar situation i was.

  8. Hack Ethics is a Verified Experienced Binary Options Recovery Specialist and Professional Hacker that provides the experience, intelligence, expertise in Asset Recovery and successfully solve ANY DESIRED HACKING SERVICES YOU WANT with ease which includes BINARY OPTIONS FUNDS RECOVERY, CREDIT REPAIR, PHONE & SOCIAL MEDIA HACKS and so on. 

    People have lost their hard earned money through this BINARY OPTIONS TRADINGS, yet they would go to meet FAKE HACKERS who are also scammers unknowingly to help them recover their money and they would end up losing more money in the process. These Scammers also tend to put Fake Testimonies out there just to steal more from you by giving you False hope. I understand how heartbreaking it is to be a BINARY OPTIONS SCAM VICTIM after you've been promised your fortune by Binary Companies and then they ignore your Emails or Calls after stealing from you.  I'm taking every step to render solution to those innocent people affected and help them get every penny they lost.  CONTACT  EMAIL  -  HACKETHICS008@GMAIL.COM 

    1. I lost about €75,000 to a fraudulent crypto investment scheme which I partook in after seeing several recommendations about their operations and reviews from client who have benefitted from the scheme. I gave it a shot and invested only to my surprise I got denied of my withdrawals at the supposed date to withdraw my profit. They kept asking me for more money each time I tried withdrawals then I knew it was all a scam. Then I hired the real deal fund retrieval firm at Bestcryptohacker at gmai| c0m who rescued me and fully recovered my money. That’s why I’m recommending him to everyone going through similar situation to contact Alex Wood’s recovery services for help at

      Bestcryptohacker (at)gmail c0m

      +1 (352) 870-0844 on WhatsApp

      Website: www.BESTCRYPTOHACKER. c0m
      Tested and trusted professional hacker for hire..::

  9. Finally I got my lost funds recovered in binary option. I lost my money I invested in binary option to a scam broker who ripped off my money and I never saw them again I became more depressed. Some time ago a good friend of mine referred me to Emily who came for my rescue with her master class intelligence and strategies and helped me place a profitable trade and also recovered all my lost funds from those scam broker and a successful withdraw. You can contact her for assistance and how you can make a good profitable trade, recovery of lost funds, free signals and stop losing money to heartless brokers. Thank you Emily once again. Her email: or what sapp her on .... +79267404955


    ☑️ The FASTFUNDSRECOVERY SPECIALISTS have received numerous complaints of fraud associated with websites that offers opportunities for Capital Investments, bitcoin investments and Trading on an Internet-based trading platforms. Most Of The complaints falls into these Two categories:

    1. 🔘Refusal to credit customers accounts or reimburse funds to customers:

    These complaints typically involve customers who have deposited money into their trading or investment account and who are then encouraged by “brokers” over the telephone to deposit additional funds into the customer account. When customers later attempt to withdraw their original deposit or the return they have been promised, the trading platforms allegedly cancels customers’ withdrawal requests, refuse to credit their accounts, or ignore their telephone calls and emails.

    2. 🔘Manipulation of software to generate losing trades:

    These complaints alleged that the Internet-based Investment and trading platforms manipulate the trading software to distort the Trading prices and payouts in order to ensure that the trade results in a Loss. For example, when a customer’s trade is “winning,” the countdown to expiration is extended arbitrarily until the trade becomes a loss.

    ☑️ Most people have lost their hard earned money through Scam Investments And Trading, yet they would go and meet fake recovery Experts unknowingly to help them recover their money and they would end up losing more money in the process. This Is Basically why we (FASTFUNDSRECOVERY SPECIALISTS) have come to y’all victim’s rescue. The clue is most of these Brokers have weak Database security, and their vulnerabilities can be exploited easily with the Help of our Special HackTools, Root HackTools And Technical Hacking Strategies because they wouldn’t wanna conduct Bug bounty Programs which would have helped strengthen and protect their Database from Unauthorized accesses, So all our specialists do is to hack into the Broker’s Database Using Technical Hacking Methods and Strategies, Decrypt your Transaction Details, Trace the Routes of your Deposited Funds, Then some Technical Hacking Algorithms & Execution follows then you have your money recovered In Bitcoins. 💰 ✔️

    ☑️All our Specialists are well experienced in their various niches with Great Skills, Technical Hacking Strategies And Positive Online Reputations And Recommendations🔘

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    We have Digital Forensic Specialists, Certified Ethical Hackers, Software Engineers, Cyber Security Experts, Private investigators and more. Our Goal is to make your digital life secure, safe and hassle free by Linking you Up With these great Professionals such as JACK CABLE, ARNE SWINNEN, SEAN MELIA, DAWID CZAGAN, BEN SADEGHIPOUR And More. These Professionals are Well Reserved Professionals who are always ready to Handle your job with great energy and swift response so that your problems can be solved very quickly.

    All You Need to Do is to send us a mail and we’ll Assign any of these specialists to Handle your Job immediately.

    ☑️ CONTACT:

    ••• Email:


    🔘2020 © fastfundsrecovery specialists

    🔘Want faster service? Contact us!

    🔘All Rights Reserved

  11. Hack Ethics is a Verified Experienced Binary Options Recovery Specialist and Professional Hacker that provides the experience, intelligence, expertise in Asset Recovery and successfully solve ANY DESIRED HACKING SERVICES YOU WANT with ease.

    People have lost their hard earned money through this BINARY OPTIONS TRADINGS, yet they would go to meet FAKE HACKERS who are also scammers unknowingly to help them recover their money and they would end up losing more money in the process. Thesea Scammers also tend to put Fake Testimonies out there just to steal more from you by giving you False hope. I understand how heartbreaking it is to be a BINARY OPTIONS SCAM VICTIM after you've been promised your fortune by Binary Companies and then they ignore your Emails or Calls after stealing from you.  I'm taking every step to render solution to those innocent people affected and help them get every penny they lost.  CONTACT  EMAIL  -  HACKETHICS008@GMAIL.COM 


  12. I started trading with COINSFM and I have deposited over $128K in total over a 4 month period and my account was about 220k at the best. of course i should have withdrawn when at the top. Most money was won by the help of my Account Manager named David Garcia and in background was the Senior Account Manager Oliver Martin. One Thursday evening, David contacted me after a long break and stated now was the time to make some real money again. After about 4 – 5 hrs the result was a loss of everything except an active trade on XRP worth 80k. I then agreed a recovery plan with Oliver Martin stupid as I was. This plan should be a very low risk plan based on weekly coin buying. The recovery looked promising until Martin introduced me to a total maniac with the name of Rothschield which he claimed would help me get my account back on top. After 2 hours of trading the account was empty again with the exception of a long term stock trading. All in all I’m an idiot trusting these guys. I am 100% sure that I was targeted the day I made my first deposit. When they felt that I was empty (no more to deposit) they decided to strike and did their best to empty the account.

    I learnt the hard way, all my savings was gone in a flash. They milked me for all my savings and showed some real good money to convince me. I tried to report to my bank and i was told that it was too late and there’s nothing they could do. The journey on recovery started, I tried few online company that i believed they could help with the law but it was all a failed attempt. Luckily for me, i found a hacker named cyber demon on google talking about forensic investigation and asset recovery. i was very careful not to fall for a second scam. I asked him all the possible questions till i was convinced then i decided to try since you miss every opportunity you don’t take. A couple of weeks later, I was told to send my account details and i got my money back. Reach out to for asset and btc recovery

  13. I lost my bitcoin to fake blockchain . com impostors on Facebook, they contacted me as blockchain official support and i fell stupidly for their mischievous act, this made them gain access into my blockchain wallet whereby 7.0938 btc was stolen from my wallet in total .I was almost in a comma and dumbfounded because this was all my savings i relied on . Then I made a research online and found a recovery expert SWIFT RECOVERY , with the contact address- swiftrecovery11 @ g mail com .I wrote directly to the specialist explaining my loss. Hence, he helped me recover my bitcoin just after 2 days he helped me launch the recovery program , and the culprits were identified as well , all thanks to his expertise . I hope I have been able to help someone as well . Reach out to the recovery specialist to recover you lost funds from any form of online scam.


    Asore Corp is a group of multinational Hacker's, an affiliate of Evil Corp. We make sure by all means necessary that our clients get the best of services on a🔐PAYMENT AFTER JOB IS DONE BASIS✅. Rather than send money and trust a criminal to fulfill your deal, you can make sure the job is done before WORKMANSHIP is paid for. You'll get excellent customer service.
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    Copyright ©️
    Asore Cyber Corp 2021.
    All rights reserved.

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    Thank me later.

  16. I was scammed by a binary option platform I lost about $135,000 to them. It was a really hard time for me because that was all I have .. I was referred to Gray walker
    who's an expert in making recovery of lost funds then I gave him a try and he successfully helped me in recovering all that I've lost From the platform, i was in shock because I couldn't believe this was possible because I lost all hope in contacting anyone on the internet, So I'm taking a step forward to render solution to those affected and help them get back every penny they lost.
    I recommend Gray walker to anyone who want to make recovery of his lost funds he’s an experienced Certified Binary Recovery Expert with a spare master key his Service takes just within 48 hours. Contact him on his

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  17. Hello, everyone, my name is Christian Benson am from the United State Of American I was so happy to see a testimonial given by someone called Maria James about his cheating ex-husband that wanted her father's money so I have to contact the email of the man that helps her out in exposing him, for him to help me in my situation because I was already critical down with a lot of pressure because of the wrong investment of bitcoin scheme I did so I contacted him about and explain my problem to him he promised to help me and recover my lost funds to a wrong account with all pleasure he responds to me urgently and help me with the hacking of the account and I got my funds back he is best and good in his work contact him, contact him on WhatsApp with (+1- /807-23 ) 4-0428 ;) Immediately for your areas of Hacking services I have to share the Good news with everyone so u can be able to recover your lost funds, your Bitcoin, and other hacking services, now I have my funds back and am so happy

    Hello dear, lately there’s been a lot of controversies on investing online and making more profit. I wouldn’t say it wrong to invest online, but you have to be careful enough to not get scammed by the wrong company and if you have been in that situation, here is a chance for you to regain what you have lost back. We at are a team of experts that provide recovery services. It does not matter when you have been scammed of your funds, you can always recover it all back. Visit us now @

    1. I lost about €75,000 to a fraudulent crypto investment scheme which I partook in after seeing several recommendations about their operations and reviews from client who have benefitted from the scheme. I gave it a shot and invested only to my surprise I got denied of my withdrawals at the supposed date to withdraw my profit. They kept asking me for more money each time I tried withdrawals then I knew it was all a scam. Then I hired the real deal fund retrieval firm at Bestcryptohacker at gmai| c0m who rescued me and fully recovered my money. That’s why I’m recommending him to everyone going through similar situation to contact Alex Wood’s recovery services for help at

      Bestcryptohacker (at)gmail c0m

      +1 (352) 870-0844 on WhatsApp

      Tested and trusted professional hacker for hire

  19. I lost over 4 btc investing on achain platform I didn't know what to do because I was unable to withdraw my profit, I believed that I would be able to cover the debt with my profits and I thought there won't be even a chance to get my investment back. Until I contacted Gavin ray after seeing positive reviews about him 4days back on this platform , I got in touch with him and he gave an explanation of how the process would look like and what exactly we need to put in place for this to work out, which I did and followed all his instructions to my greatest surprise I confirmed the payment of my recovered funds to my bank account, he has been really helpful to me, I bet you all should contact him on email: or WhatsApp ‪+1 (352) 322‑2096‬ ‪‬, he’s genuine

    1. Few months back I was deceived by a scammer whom I met on LinkedIn who pretended to be a crypto investment strategist. We spoke for weeks then he introduced me to a crypto gain platform where he’s currently earning massively and advised me to partake in this scheme I yielded cause he had kept the relationship with so much trust for me to believe him not knowing he’s only preparing me ahead for the great catch. I deposited on the platform at first I earned profits as promised until when they started asking for huge funds before I can process my withdrawals from the website. Then I knew I’ve been scammed after making several payments. Luckily for me I read about BESTCRYPTOHACKER (at) Gmail c0m recovery services who rescued me and recovered my funds perfectly. Then my peace of mind got restored. Send your crypto complaint to this tech team now for appropriate assistance

  20. I had issues over depositing huge sum of funds on my account but unable to make withdrawals from the platform but manage to recover my lost funds through the help of www, Expertapexrefund . Co m, you guys should reach out to them I’m certain they can help out with your case.

  21. I lost about €75,000 to a fraudulent crypto investment scheme which I partook in after seeing several recommendations about their operations and reviews from client who have benefitted from the scheme. I gave it a shot and invested only to my surprise I got denied of my withdrawals at the supposed date to withdraw my profit. They kept asking me for more money each time I tried withdrawals then I knew it was all a scam. Then I hired the real deal fund retrieval firm at Bestcryptohacker at gmai| c0m who rescued me and fully recovered my money. That’s why I’m recommending him to everyone going through similar situation to contact Alex Wood’s recovery services for help at

    Bestcryptohacker (at)gmail c0m

    +1 (352) 870-0844 on WhatsApp

    Tested and trusted professional hacker for hire

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